国内で彼女を知る人々のほとんどは彼女(Elli-Rose)をファッションモデルとして認識している人が未だ多いかもしれない。しかし、ここ数年の献身的な音楽活動によって、今では確実にダンスミュージックシーンでの”DJ"としての確固たる地位を確立し、その存在感と独自の音楽スタイルによってクラブシーンでも目覚ましい活躍をしているアーティストとして注目を浴びている。現在では、クラブイベントからビッグフェスまで年間60本以上のブッキングをこなす中、音楽志向の強いマニアックなイベントからも常にオファーが耐えない。疾走感の中にも、時に女性らしいエモーショナルな一面をも演出し、まさにひとつの起承転結のストーリーを作り上げて見せるスタイルを持ち合わせたDJであり、彼女に信頼を置くアーティストやプロモーターは数知れない。フロアの温度感を感じながら、異色な楽曲もスムーズに繋ぎ合わせるスキルも持ち合わせる彼女の音楽性とその多様性が如何なる現場にも対応出来るDJであることを証明していると言えるであろう。2014年からは、代官山AIRにて自身主催のイベント"DUCE"を始動。Levon Vincent、DJ Shufflemaster 等をゲストに迎え、DJとしてのみならず、自らパーティーをプロデュースする中でより完成度の高い世界観を発信している。ヨーロッパやアジアへの進出も視野に置き、より奥深い音楽的信念を追求したELLI ARAKAWAとしての活動から目が離せない。
Having spent nine years performing, hosting events and working in art and fashion, Tokyo-based, British-Japanese DJ Elli Arakawa arrives at the next stage in her career. With reinvigorated focus and a clear idea of where she is going, she sees 2016 as something of a turning point.
Inspired by the experiences and styles of techno she was discovering at the Labyrinth Festival, Elli gradually moved away from the eclectic style of DJing she had honed at fashion events, instead refining her taste to deep, purist techno. She plays with high energy and visible enthusiasm, often mixing quickly and catching crowds off guard.
In late 2013 Elli started her own event DUCE at club AIR, inviting Levon Vincent as the first guest. Since then she has hosted Tokyo techno hero DJ Shufflemaster and cemented the party as a go-to for techno fans. Whilst her ambition to tour the world and present her vision of techno overseas is strong, it's no stronger than her love for her home country and the desire to support Japanese artists. Maintaining a club night on home soil is key and DUCE will remain a platform to showcase local talent.
The transition doesn't end there. Elli started producing her own music which is also becoming an obsession towards finding her own sound which we will be expecting to hear in the nearest future.
Also an appearance on celebrated DJ stream DOMMUNE and many festival appearances with some of Japan's very finest in electronic music.
Now with greater scope as an artist and more technical ability behind the decks, it feels like Elli has found the right path, and with that a whole new world of opportunities arise.
Having spent nine years performing, hosting events and working in art and fashion, Tokyo-based, British-Japanese DJ Elli Arakawa arrives at the next stage in her career. With reinvigorated focus and a clear idea of where she is going, she sees 2016 as something of a turning point.
Inspired by the experiences and styles of techno she was discovering at the Labyrinth Festival, Elli gradually moved away from the eclectic style of DJing she had honed at fashion events, instead refining her taste to deep, purist techno. She plays with high energy and visible enthusiasm, often mixing quickly and catching crowds off guard.
In late 2013 Elli started her own event DUCE at club AIR, inviting Levon Vincent as the first guest. Since then she has hosted Tokyo techno hero DJ Shufflemaster and cemented the party as a go-to for techno fans. Whilst her ambition to tour the world and present her vision of techno overseas is strong, it's no stronger than her love for her home country and the desire to support Japanese artists. Maintaining a club night on home soil is key and DUCE will remain a platform to showcase local talent.
The transition doesn't end there. Elli started producing her own music which is also becoming an obsession towards finding her own sound which we will be expecting to hear in the nearest future.
Also an appearance on celebrated DJ stream DOMMUNE and many festival appearances with some of Japan's very finest in electronic music.
Now with greater scope as an artist and more technical ability behind the decks, it feels like Elli has found the right path, and with that a whole new world of opportunities arise.